A letter to those in the ministry

To those who work tirelessly within the ministry, keeping things running and making sure others are served as per our calling, thank you. No amount of words can express what you do as one who serves in the body of Christ. We do the work of ministry not to be seen or praised by man but to glorify Christ in all that we do as His servants. However, if we were honest and understanding of our human frailty, sometimes having a thankless job can be draining.

To you leaders who are put on a higher standard for your actions, thoughts and words, know that you are not alone. Christ knows what you are going through and there are other people who understand what you face. Know that despite the wrong attitudes and complaints that come from the very people who profess to love Christ just as much, you are loved and thought of by those who have been in your shoes and by those who carry the same mantle. You are supported by those who truly understand how much you love Christ and want to glorify Him in your service.

Many forget you are also human. You cannot be everywhere and everything to everyone. Instead of complaining about the things lacking, you ask for prayers, assistance and understanding from those who profess to be faithful in Christ. But sometimes, it seems all the negative talk becomes more prevalent than the good. People’s talk don’t produce the walk. The very people who you serve accuse you, abuse you, and take advantage of you. Un-submissive when rebuked, un-available when needed, un-teachable when shown other perspectives. Know that God hears you and others groan in their hearts with you.

You are not alone.

To all ministry workers in every role, your work is not in vain if it is done for the Lord. There will be conflicts that come from serving with fellow sinful people, but we are to work because of our love for Christ and because we are to love others as He loves us. That means to love those who are difficult to love. It means being the bigger person when others won’t. It means admitting to our own sins and being able to learn and grow from them to better our service for Christ. It means despite wanting to throw in the towel due to the lack of assistance, dedication, humility or logic from others, we are to strive past it. Remember Christ loves you beyond what we can love and that you are appreciated by those who walk the same path.

To all in the ministry, no matter your position, thank you for being an example. May we all be reminded that no matter if people thank us, we are to be thankful to God for giving us the opportunity to serve Him and to go through the ups and downs to show others how great of a sustainer He is in our lives. To be able to show how wonderfully blessed we are to be servants of the living God. To show the world how gracious and loving God has been to us despite our continual sins towards Him. To be an example of a different attitude and heart than those of the world because of the transforming power of Christ through the Holy Spirit in us.

Remember that you are loved beyond all measure from our great and mighty Lord, and you are appreciated even if it may not always be shown to you verbally or physically. Thank you for all you do as service and worship for the God who deserves all praise and glory.

Your fellow ministry worker in Christ

About the Author

My name is Genevieve and I’m in love; with Christ that is. I’m also a messy artist who enjoys looking at HTML, CSS and beautiful designs. You can find out a little more about me through my main website at PandaPad.Com

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