Imagine at the prime of your life you were hit with a physical ailment that rendered your body completely useless. Even the most simplest of things that we take for granted became impossible to do alone like getting up in the morning, walking, brushing your teeth, feeding yourself, etc. How would you see your life? Most would question why or how this could happen. Some would go into depression, self-pity and feel no worth in life.
However, I’d like to share with you a response from someone dear to me that had suffered from such an experience. After sharing the struggles they had faced, this is the conclusion they came to, “I use to pray to God to take this trial and pain away from me and to allow me to gain back my former lifestyle. But now I realize, that God always has a plan and reason for everything. Whether He has kept my health in this condition to teach me something or to help someone else through my experience, I have learnt to no longer pray for what I had in the past but for Him to give me strength to work through the present and to always be content in whatever He gives me.” It is still hard for them to go through this trial of slow recovery. But the only reason they have been able to go through this without falling into self-inflicted sorrows and pain, is only because they have strength in the living and almighty God of all, Jesus Christ.
“Remember ye not the former things, neither consider the things of old. Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert.” (Isaiah 43:18-19)
Many people look back at their lives wishing they could get back things they were able to enjoy in the past. From physical health to specific life-styles, there are many things we tend to hold as important parts of our lives. But are they deciding factors of how we view this life and how we live? If we are living for Christ and in Christ we will look to Him to get us through our temporary life and push forward with strength only He can provide. May this testimony be as much of a blessing to you when you forget your focus on tackling your present life through Christ as it has been for me.