Breaking relationships out of convenience and selfishness

Have you ever had times where you broke off communication or relations with someone because of unfavourable circumstances? Whether it be they disappointed you, hurt you in some manner, took advantage of you or you just didn’t have the time or energy to keep up the relationship with that person.
When you look at it closely, the relationship’s make or break point then becomes one based on convenience and benefit for one’s self. How simple it is for us to use this mindset to break off relationships with friends, family, spouses, and other people we form a bond with. We excuse it by rationalizing these actions with the “eye for an eye” or “looking out for yourself” mindsets, but in the end it all goes back to a self-centered outlook (whether it be one or both parties). So many times, we tend to look at it from a perspective of what our gain is rather than the mindset of how we can better know, care and love for the person we’ve come to interact with.

“It is of the LORD’s mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not.” (Lamentations 3:22)

Now if God were to look at relationships from our same mindset, the truth is, we would have been long whipped off the face of this earth. Because we chose to break off the relationship with God who created us and hurt Him by sinning in our lives, He could so easily remove His hand of protection that sustains our lives, and have us all pay the penalties we rightfully deserve. I cannot escape the fact that I’ve done this to other people, nor will I deny the fact that I’ve hurt God countless times in our relationship. Yet He is loving enough to forgive those who earnestly seek forgiveness and save those who take His hand and accept His love.

“But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.” (Romans 5:8)

Put yourself in God’s shoes for a second. Would you stick with a relationship where people constantly bad-mouthed you, lied to you, stole from you, and hurt you emotionally and physically? Praise God He would and even sacrificed Himself to save you. May you also find comfort in His patience and earnestly pure love for you.

About the Author

My name is Genevieve and I’m in love; with Christ that is. I’m also a messy artist who enjoys looking at HTML, CSS and beautiful designs. You can find out a little more about me through my main website at PandaPad.Com

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